Oideachas Sóisialta Pearsanta agus Sláinte (OSPS)
Cuireann oideachas sóisialta, pearsanta agus sláinte (OSPS) deiseanna sonracha ar fáil chun forbairt phearsanta, sláinte agus folláine an pháiste aonair a chothú, chun cuidiú leis/léi caidreamh tacúil a chruthú agus a choinneáil agus bheith ina s(h)aoránach gníomhach freagrach sa tsochaí. Trí chlár don OSPS atá pleanáilte agus comhsheasmhach ar fud na scoile, is féidir le páistí creatlach de luacha, dearcadh, tuiscint agus scileanna a fhorbairt a thabharfaidh treoir dá gcinntí agus dá ngníomhartha san am i láthair agus san am atá le teacht.
RéasúnaíochtTá sé d'aidhm ag OSPS féinmheas agus féinmhúinín a chothú agus leagann sé béim faoi leith ar mhothú d'fhreagracht phearsanta as iompair agus as gníomhartha an duine féin. Cothaíonn OSPS féinfheasacht agus tuiscint trí cabhrú le páistí a gcuid mothúchán féin a ainmniú agus a bhainistiú, chun aitheantas a thabhairt agus meas a bheith acu ar inniúlachtaí an duine aonair, agus chun déileáil le hathruithe de gach saghas. Is féidir leo foghlaim conas a n-iompar féin a bhainistiú agus conas spriocanna pearsanta a leagan amach agus a bhaint amach laistigh de thimpeallacht shábháilte thacúil. Méadóidh a leithéid d'fhorbairt phearsanta mothú an pháiste gur féidir leis/léi a bheith éifeachtúil agus cabhróidh sé leis/léi níos mó smachta a bheith aige/aici ar a s(h)aol féin.
OSPS sa ChuraclamDearadh an curaclam ionas go gcaithfear leis na diminsiúin shóisialta, phearsanta, agus sláinte i saol na linbh ar bhonn comhtháithe. Déanann sé foráil do raon leathan luachanna, dearcaidh, scileanna agus tuisceana a fhorbairt atá bainteach le sláinte agus folláine an pháiste, daoine eile agus na sochaí ina mhaireann sé/sí. Cabhróidh an bunús seo le gníomhartha, iompraíocht agus cinntí an linbh sna suímh uile a thiocfaidh aníos agus a bheidh air/uirthi déileáil leo sa ghnáthshaol.
Tá an curaclam briste suas i gceithre leibhéal - ranganna na naíonán, rang a haon agus a dó, rang a trí agus a ceathair, rang a cúig agus a sé - agus tá sé roinnte i dtrí snáithe: Mise, Mise agus daoine eile, agus Mise agus an domhan mór. Tá gach ceann de na snáithe seo foroinnte i roinnt snáithaonaid nó i réimsí ábhar mar seo a leanas:
Cuireann oideachas sóisialta, pearsanta agus sláinte (OSPS) deiseanna sonracha ar fáil chun forbairt phearsanta, sláinte agus folláine an pháiste aonair a chothú, chun cuidiú leis/léi caidreamh tacúil a chruthú agus a choinneáil agus bheith ina s(h)aoránach gníomhach freagrach sa tsochaí. Trí chlár don OSPS atá pleanáilte agus comhsheasmhach ar fud na scoile, is féidir le páistí creatlach de luacha, dearcadh, tuiscint agus scileanna a fhorbairt a thabharfaidh treoir dá gcinntí agus dá ngníomhartha san am i láthair agus san am atá le teacht.
RéasúnaíochtTá sé d'aidhm ag OSPS féinmheas agus féinmhúinín a chothú agus leagann sé béim faoi leith ar mhothú d'fhreagracht phearsanta as iompair agus as gníomhartha an duine féin. Cothaíonn OSPS féinfheasacht agus tuiscint trí cabhrú le páistí a gcuid mothúchán féin a ainmniú agus a bhainistiú, chun aitheantas a thabhairt agus meas a bheith acu ar inniúlachtaí an duine aonair, agus chun déileáil le hathruithe de gach saghas. Is féidir leo foghlaim conas a n-iompar féin a bhainistiú agus conas spriocanna pearsanta a leagan amach agus a bhaint amach laistigh de thimpeallacht shábháilte thacúil. Méadóidh a leithéid d'fhorbairt phearsanta mothú an pháiste gur féidir leis/léi a bheith éifeachtúil agus cabhróidh sé leis/léi níos mó smachta a bheith aige/aici ar a s(h)aol féin.
OSPS sa ChuraclamDearadh an curaclam ionas go gcaithfear leis na diminsiúin shóisialta, phearsanta, agus sláinte i saol na linbh ar bhonn comhtháithe. Déanann sé foráil do raon leathan luachanna, dearcaidh, scileanna agus tuisceana a fhorbairt atá bainteach le sláinte agus folláine an pháiste, daoine eile agus na sochaí ina mhaireann sé/sí. Cabhróidh an bunús seo le gníomhartha, iompraíocht agus cinntí an linbh sna suímh uile a thiocfaidh aníos agus a bheidh air/uirthi déileáil leo sa ghnáthshaol.
Tá an curaclam briste suas i gceithre leibhéal - ranganna na naíonán, rang a haon agus a dó, rang a trí agus a ceathair, rang a cúig agus a sé - agus tá sé roinnte i dtrí snáithe: Mise, Mise agus daoine eile, agus Mise agus an domhan mór. Tá gach ceann de na snáithe seo foroinnte i roinnt snáithaonaid nó i réimsí ábhar mar seo a leanas:
- Féinaithne
- Ag tabhairt aire do mo chorp
- Ag fás agus ag athrú
- Sábháilteacht agus cosaint
- Mise agus mo theaghlach
- Mo chairde agus daoine eile
- Caidreamh le daoine eile
- Ag déanamh cinntí
- Ag forbairt saoránachta
- Oideachas na meán cumarsáide
Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE)
Social, personal and health education provides particular opportunities to foster the personal development, health and well-being of the child and to help him/her to create and maintain supportive relationships and become an active and responsible citizen in society. Through an SPHE programme children can develop a framework of values, attitudes, understanding and skills that will inform their actions and decisions in these areas of their lives both now and in the future
RationaleSPHE aims to foster self-worth and self-confidence and places a particular emphasis on developing a sense of personal responsibility for one's own behaviour and actions. SPHE promotes self-awareness and understanding by helping children to name and manage their own feelings, to recognise and appreciate individual abilities, and to cope with change of various kinds. They can learn how to manage their own behaviour and to set and review personal goals within a safe and supportive environment. Such intrapersonal development will increase the child's sense of self-efficacy and help him/her to be more in control of his/her own life.
SPHE in the curriculumThe curriculum is structured in such a way as to treat the social, personal and health dimensions of the child's life in an integrated manner. It provides for the development of a broad range of values, attitudes, skills and understanding relevant to the child's health and wellbeing, to other people, and to the society in which he/she lives. This foundation will inform the child's actions, behaviour and decisions in the many situations that he/she may encounter and have to deal with as part of everyday life and living.
The curriculum is delineated at four levels -- infant classes, first and second classes, third and fourth classes, and fifth and sixth classes -- and is divided into three strands: Myself, Myself and others, and Myself and the wider world. Each of these strands is further subdivided into a number of strand units or topic areas as follows:
Social, personal and health education provides particular opportunities to foster the personal development, health and well-being of the child and to help him/her to create and maintain supportive relationships and become an active and responsible citizen in society. Through an SPHE programme children can develop a framework of values, attitudes, understanding and skills that will inform their actions and decisions in these areas of their lives both now and in the future
RationaleSPHE aims to foster self-worth and self-confidence and places a particular emphasis on developing a sense of personal responsibility for one's own behaviour and actions. SPHE promotes self-awareness and understanding by helping children to name and manage their own feelings, to recognise and appreciate individual abilities, and to cope with change of various kinds. They can learn how to manage their own behaviour and to set and review personal goals within a safe and supportive environment. Such intrapersonal development will increase the child's sense of self-efficacy and help him/her to be more in control of his/her own life.
SPHE in the curriculumThe curriculum is structured in such a way as to treat the social, personal and health dimensions of the child's life in an integrated manner. It provides for the development of a broad range of values, attitudes, skills and understanding relevant to the child's health and wellbeing, to other people, and to the society in which he/she lives. This foundation will inform the child's actions, behaviour and decisions in the many situations that he/she may encounter and have to deal with as part of everyday life and living.
The curriculum is delineated at four levels -- infant classes, first and second classes, third and fourth classes, and fifth and sixth classes -- and is divided into three strands: Myself, Myself and others, and Myself and the wider world. Each of these strands is further subdivided into a number of strand units or topic areas as follows:
- Self-identity
- Taking care of my body
- Growing and changing
- Safety and protection
- Myself and my family
- My friends and other people
- Relating to others
- Making decisions
- Developing citizenship
- Media education